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Reprodução Equina
Baseada em Ciência
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Effect of Transvaginal Aspiration of Oocytes on Blood And Peritoneal Fluid Parameters in Mares
Evolution of 17-β-estradiol, estrone and estrone-sulfate concentrations in late pregnancy of different breeds of mares using Liquid Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry
Luteal tissue area and immunoreactive concentrations of progesterone in plasma of bred and non-bred mares
Altrenogest treatment reduces the stress response of three-year-old warmblood mares during their initial equestrian training
Uterine inflammatory response after prostaglandin E1 (misoprostol) infusion pre-breeding or immediately after embryo flushing in commercial donor mares
Effect of Transvaginal Aspiration of Oocytes on Blood And Peritoneal Fluid Parameters in Mares
Impact of blue light therapy on plasma adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and hypertrichosis in horses with pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction
Effects of blue monochromatic light directed at one eye of pregnant horse mares on gestation, parturition and foal maturity
Assessment of fetal aortic, thoracic, and heartbeat measurements in healthy donkey pregnancies
The effect of embryo reduction and transfer on luteostasis in the mare
Successful pregnancy outcome in mares: the potential role of body conditional score, age and biochemical parameter's adjustments
Infectious Endometritis in Mares: Microbiological Findings in Field Samples.
Environmental influences on mare reproductive loss syndrome: Do they fit with a toxin as the causative agent?
Title. Fetoplacental unit ultrasonography and immunoreactive steroid concentrations in jennies experiencing late-term pregnancy loss
Global Prevalence of RNA-Positive Horses for Hepacivirus (EqHV): Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Effectiveness of Ozone Therapy in The Treatment of Endometritis in Mares
Physical Interplay between Equine Fetus and Uterus from Day 180 to End of Pregnancy☆☆
High ambient temperature and humidity associated with early embryonic loss after embryo transfer in mares
Sucrose Acetate Isobutyrate (SAIB) as a Delivery Vehicle for Estradiol and Sulpiride: Evaluation of Endocrine Responses in Geldings and Ovarian Response in Seasonally Anovulatory Mares
Physical Activities and Morphologic Aspects of the Equine Fetus During Days 40–150
Bacteria isolated from equine uteri in The United Arab Emirates: A retrospective study
Improvement of Equine Embryo Cryopreservation Via Laser Assisted Micromanipulation
Differences In Permeation Kinetics of Cryoprotective Solutions In Equine Oocytes Compared To That In Ovarian Tissue
Systemic and Intrafollicular Androgen Concentrations in Cycling Mares
Caracterização fúngica e formação de biofilme em éguas com endometrite
Perfil microbiológico e de resistência antimicrobiana in vitro de bactérias isoladas
do útero de éguas subférteis
Endometrite em éguas: Diagnóstico e tratamentos convencionais e/ou alternativos
Embryo development after vitrification of immature and in vitro-matured equine oocytes
< 2020
Sex-steroid receptors, prostaglandin E2 receptors, and cyclooxygenase in the equine cervix during estrus, diestrus and pregnancy: Gene expression and cellular localization
Interferon epsilon is constitutively expressed in equine endometrium and up-regulated during the luteal phase
Blue light from light-emitting diodes directed at a single eye elicits a dose-dependent suppression of melatonin in horses
Influence of season and pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction on hair cortisol concentration in horses
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